Friday, May 30, 2008

New Blog, Same Awesomeness

I formerly ran a blog ( that was ubber trendy and very solid in the infant stages of music blogging. Now, I'm a dentist and don't get to sit around in my room and talk about music all day.....either way I'm stoked. I just moved to Durango, CO and made an 18+ hour trip in a car by myself. I'm here now, and feel more at home than ever. I still think there is an audiance for what I have to say and I'll have music, pictures, and commentary along the way. Feels good to be back. Update on my life:

I got Engaged:

I graduated from Dental School!!

(No picture, as I hated Dental School)

I moved here:

And now I look like this:

Wolf Parade - Californi

Music, Teeth, Cycling, Beer, It's coming.....enjoy the ride....


Edward Ott said...

you look very young to be a dentist, or maybe i just am becoming an old fart. probably that

Ryan McCall, DDS said...

Haha...I'm 26 and just graduated. Don't let the young looks fool you, i'm one bad-ass dental guy ;)