Monday, January 19, 2009

Superbowl, new mexico, and skiing.

Ryan is back. Expect pictures of myrtle and zoey :)

We've been skiing ALOT over the past three weeks. And by a lot I mean, three days a week. I went down my first black diamond run last weekend, pretty exciting, really, considering that mere and I have been skiing for a meager 19 days.



I've been seeing a lot of patients from New Mexico with severe meth mouth lately. People that can afford to live in Durango, generally do not have a serious meth problem. Yay! Durango! New Mexico, on the other hand, with it's oil fields, shitty towns, consumes a ton of meth. Meet my 8 A.M. patient from this morning, Tommy, 21 years old, has been using meth for "about three years." Tommy doesn't bother to brush his teeth and seemed completely indifferent when talking about saving said teeth. I scheduled three hours for this little shit next month and if he doesn't get a serious cleaning before then, we're going to have a problem. I'm going to take out the teeth that are done (you should see the molars), 12 in total, root canal what I can, and then get him in some valplast partials. I've been using these for younger, decay ravaged patients lately. I think putting a metal bar with acrylic teeth in a 21 year old is weird. Maybe it's just me. This dude is headed for the awful life-long process of full dentures, quick. Sucks to be him. My words of advise: "no more meth." New Mexico. Kind of like the old one, but with Taos.

2 root canals on the book for today and my idiot front-desk lady wants me to do a crown for her. I'm gonna botch it and leave it in super occlusion, just because she sucks :)

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